Skin Renewal

Some people are blessed with the most beautiful skin, and it’s all natural. Others have to work at it. Healthy skin is lovely to behold, comfortable to live in, and a pleasure to touch. Like a watered garden, healthy skin is well moisturized and healed from the damaging effects of weather, age, sun, wear, and tear. This blessing of healthy skin is our sincerest wish for you.

Smooth Beam Laser Treatment

Dr. Jacobs has several ways to help with your wrinkles, sun-damaged, or aging skin: Light to Medium Chemical Peels (Beta Liftx, Glycolic, TCA), Retinoid Therapy (Retin-A, Renova, Tazorac), 5-FU, Tri-Luma, Smooth Beam Laser, Botox Cosmetic, and Juvederm Dermal Filler.

Smoothbeam is a gentle non-invasive laser that improves wrinkles & fine lines by stimulating the formation of collagen below the surface of the skin.

To View Before and After Photos for Juvederm, click the following link:

To View Before and After Photos for Botox, click the following link:

The Smoothbeam Laser is FDA approved to reduce acne lesions, acne scars, and skin wrinkles.

Thus, the Smooth beam Laser is an excellent choice for people with active acne and / or acne scars.

The Smoothbeam Laser emits a long 1450nm wavelength of light to precisely penetrate to and heat the dermal layer of the skin. This Smoothbeam Laser heat interrupts oil production in the sebaceous glands and decreases acne inflammation.

Smoothbeam Laser dermal heating also stimulates new collagen and elastin; thus, acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles are smoothed. Hence the name “Smoothbeam Laser.”

Smoothbeam Laser treatments take about 20 minutes to complete, and are usually performed once per month. Helpful results are usually seen within 3-6 treatments for active acne, and 8-10 treatment for scars and wrinkles.

Dr. Jacobs can provide several options for acne therapy based on your individual needs. The following therapies may be used: Antibiotics, topical therapy, Tazorac, Retin-A, Differin, Accutane, acne surgery, extractions, acne peels, and our Smooth Beam Laser. Female patients may benefit from hormonal evaluation and appropriate hormonal adjustments.

How Does it Work?

Very gently: Our FDA approved Smoothbeam laser therapy is a special noninvasive way to treat your skin wrinkles. The Smoothbeam laser uses a newly patented laser-assisted skin renewal (LASR) process linked with a Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD). While the Smoothbeam laser targets and heats collagen in the upper dermal skin layers to stimulate new collagen formation, the Dynamic Cooling Device cools and protects the epidermal layer to give your skin the therapeutic benefits of both controlled heating and cooling.

What Will it Be Like?

You and Dr. Jacobs or his physician assistant will wear protective eyewear during the treatment. With a small handpiece, the doctor or his physician assistant will deliver laser pulses to the skin. You may feel a laser probe touching your skin, and a cooling sensation with each pulse.

Is It Painful?

30 minutes prior to your laser treatment, Dr. Jacobs would like you to apply a topical anesthetic.

Patients may complain of mild pain, which includes slight rubberband-like snapping or stinging sensations. The topical anaesthetic will make your laser therapy much more pleasant and easy to tolerate.