
Exanthems are a common
cause of generalized rashes in children. They pose a diagnostic challenge to
even the most experienced physician because of the diversity of their clinical
presentations. The morphology distribution, and associated signs and symptoms
are sometimes specific enough for a definitive diagnosis, but, nonspecific
clinical findings often make this impossible. Advances in laboratory techniques
(particularly in viral diseases), new antiviral drugs and vaccines, epidemics
of old exanthems, and the recognition of new clinical
syndromes have stimulated renewed interest in exanthems.
Historically, exanthems were numbered in the order in
which they were first differentiated from other exanthems.
Thus, "first" disease was measles (rubeola),
"second" disease was scarlet fever, and "third" disease was
rubella (German measles). The specific disease described as "fourth"
disease, so-called Pilatov-Dukes disease, is no
longer accepted as a distinct clinical entity, with some authors speculating
that it represented staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, and others
speculating that it was concurrent infection with both scarlet fever and
rubella. Fifth disease is erythema infectiosum, and
sixth disease is roseola infantum.
Only in the last decade, with the identification of parvovirus B19 as the cause
of erythema infectiosum and human herpesvirus 6 as the cause of roseola infantum,
have the causative agents of the classic exanthems been identified.
Measles is caused
by paramyxovirus RNA virus. The spherical virus
particles are approximately 100-200 nm in diameter. Measles virus is highly
labile which results in a very short survival time when it is not associated
with a host. Measles usually occurs in the winter and spring, although sporadic
cases can occur year 'round. Its clinical manifestations are sufficiently
distinctive so that a specific clinical diagnosis can be made in most cases. The incubation period of measles is
approximately 1 week. Three forms of measles are recognized clinically,
typical, modified, and atypical.
Measles usually
begins like a common cold after a seven to fourteen day incubation period, with
sinus congestion, a runny nose, a cough, and red, irritated eyes. Two days
later, although often unnoticed, Koplik's spots
(small red spots with bluish-white specks in the center) form inside the mouth
opposite the molars. After four days of these worsening symptoms, a telltale
rash appears first on the face and neck, then on the trunk, arms and legs.
Patients may have some degree of sensitivity to light. After two to four days
of listlessness, the rash, cough, stuffiness, and red eyes (conjunctivitis)
abruptly improve. If no complications have set in, measles has run its course
by the tenth day. Measles patients can have lowered resistance to infections
such as bronchitis, ear infections, or other bacterial infections. Possible
direct complications may include pneumonia and inner ear infections such as
otitis media and mastoiditis which can possibly lead
to deafness. Encephalitis, which occurs in up to one out of 1,000 measles
cases, can result in mental retardation. In some extreme cases, corneal
ulceration may occur. Measles virus may also be associated with Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE), a slow virus infection. (Slow
viruses may stay dormant in humans for extended periods of time, then for
reasons yet unknown, may become reactivated.) SSPE is a chronic brain disease
of children and adolescents that can occur months to years (usually years)
after an attack of measles. SSPE can cause intellectual deterioration,
convulsive seizures, coma and motor abnormalities. Three forms of measles are
recognized clinically, typical, modified, and atypical.
Typical measles is the most common form, occurring in
individuals without immunization. A characteristic prodome of 2 to 4 days of high fever, coryza, cough, and
conjunctivitis virtually always precedes the onset of the exanthem. Koplik spots, the pathognomonic enanthem of measles appear during the prodrome and fade within
2 to 3 days after the onset of rash. These spots, are
tiny, white or blue-gray specks superimposed on an erythematous base, located
on the buccal mucosa, most prominently adjacent to the molars.
The rash measles begins behind the ears
and at the scalp margin, rapidly spreading downward to involve the entire body.
Lesions begin as discrete erythematous papules that gradually become confluent.
The rash is usually not pruritic. It lasts 4 to 7 days before fading, often
with branny desquamation.
Fever usually begins to decline on the
second or third day of the rash unless complications of infection occur.
Pneumonia, diarrhea, and otitis media are the most common complications. Other
complications include laryngo-tracheobronchiolitis,
myocarditis, and encephalitis.
Modified measles occurs in
partially immune hosts, either young infants with partial protection through
maternal antibody or immunized individuals with partial vaccine failure. In
these cases the prodrome may be shorter and the rash
less severe. Koplik spots help greatly in diagnosis,
if present, but without them, the rash may be difficult to differentiate from
other viral exanthems.
Atypical measles characteristically occurs in individuals who became infected after having
received the killed measles virus vaccine which was given only until 1967, but
a few less severe cases have been reported in children receiving live
attenuated vaccine. The abrupt onset of high fever, myalgias,
and cough is followed 2 to 5 days later by a rash beginning on the extremities,
which gradually spreads centrally. The morphology is usually papular or papulovesicular, and
lesions are often hemorrhagic. Koplik spots are
usually absent. A lobule or segmental pneumonia is virtually always present,
and pleural effusions are common. Other findings include hepatosplenomegaly, hyperesthesias or dysesthesia,
and weakness. The exanthem of atypical measles
differs from that of typical measles. It is often variable but can generally be
categorized into one of three types. The exanthem usually begins as erythematous macules and papules on the distal extremities
around the palms, wrists, soles, and ankles. This centripetal pattern also
occurs in Rocky Mountain spotted fever and meningococcal sepsis. It then
spreads to involve the trunk and face. The lesions may continue in this pattern
or progress to vesicles or petechial lesions with purpura.
The vesicles appear singly or in crops with erythematous bases, mainly over the
trunk, and resemble the rash of varicella (chicken pox).
of the measles virus is difficult. Verification of infection is best performed
by blood testing. A fourfold or greater increase in either
neutralizing, hemagglutinin-inhibition (HI) or
complement-fixing (CF) antibodies between acute and convalescent serum samples
is diagnostic of measles. Antibodies first appear 1 to 2 days after the rash,
and peak titters are reached 2 to 4 weeks later. Uncomplicated measles
infection is usually associated with a leukopenia (low white blood cell count).
The leukopenia persists until recovery, after which a mild to moderate
leukopenia is observed. Cause: Measles is caused by a paramyxovirus.
The virus infiltrates the nose and mouth (nasopharynx),
and is highly contagious. Affected Population Measles affects males and females
equally, and can occur worldwide. Supposedly on the verge of extinction in the
United States in 1983 when only 1,497 cases were reported, measles (rubeola) rebounded to a total of 2,813 in 1985. As of May
1986, a total of 1,976 Americans (more than in all of 1983) had been afflicted.
The licensing of the first widely used measles vaccines in 1963, followed
shortly by an improved version, reduced the number of reported cases from a
pre-vaccine total of 525,000 annually to the record low in 1983, which reflects
a ninety-nine percent decline. It is believed that measles virus initially
gains access to the respiratory tract. By the onset of the prodrome of measles, the virus is widely distributed in the body. During this time
multinucleated giant cells (characteristic of measles infection) can be
recovered from urinary sediment, sputum, nasal secretions, and various lymphoid
Similar Disorders
Disorders Include: Rubella, or three-day
measles, is marked by mild constitutional symptoms that may result in abortion,
stillbirth, or congenital defects in infants born to mothers infected during
the early months of pregnancy. Other symptoms may include a two to three week
incubation period with no recognizable symptoms, mild course of short duration,
low fever, rash (less extensive than other types of measles), a reddish flush
simulating that of scarlet fever which may be noticed on the face, enlargement
of Iymph nodes, and a normal blood count. Symptoms
are usually mild in children with Rubella. Adults characteristically experience
fever, discomfort, headache, weakness or exhaustion, stiff joints, and mild
nasal membrane inflammation (rhinitis). Encephalitis is a rare complication
that has occurred during extensive outbreaks of rubella among young adults in
the armed services. Transient testicular pain is also a frequent complaint in
affected adult males. Scarlet Fever is an infection caused by
a bacteria that usually affects the mouth and throat area (pharynx), but
may also affect the skin or birth canal. Patients may experience headache,
abdominal pain, nausea, and a skin rash. Rarely, complications are Iymphocytic meningitis and hepatitis. A reddish flush may
be apparent on the face, chest and extremities, with tiny red spots in some
cases. The disease is much milder now than in the past, and complications are
rare when properly treated. Roseola Infantum (Exanthem Subitum or Pseudorubella) is an
acute disease of infants or very young children characterized by high fever,
absence of localizing symptoms or signs, and appearance of red spots (a rubelliform eruption) simultaneously with, or following,
lowering of the fever (defervescence). The cause and
mode of transmission are not known, but the disease is probably communicable
and caused by a neurodermotropic virus. It occurs
most often in the spring and fall. Minor local epidemics have been reported.
Atypical Measles Syndrome (AMS) is most common in adolescents and young adults
and usually associated with prior immunization using the original killed
measles vaccines, which are no longer in use. However, live measles vaccine
administration has also been known to precede development of AMS, perhaps as a
result of inadvertent inactivation due to improper storage. Presumably,
inactivated measles virus vaccines do not prevent wild virus infection and can
sensitize patients so that disease expression is altered significantly. AMS may
begin abruptly, with high fever, toxicity, headache, abdominal pain, and cough.
The rash may appear one to two days later, often beginning on the extremities.
Swelling (edema) of the hands and feet may occur, pneumonia is not uncommon,
and nodular densities in the lungs may persist for three months or longer.
Therapies: Treatment of measles is
symptomatic. Antimicrobial therapy is recommended when bacterial superinfection has been documented. Complete resolution of
the illness usually occurs within 14 days. The prognosis for uncomplicated
measles is excellent. Serious illness and death can result from secondary
bronchopneumonia and encephalitis. In general, once a person is infected, there
is little to do other than let measles run its course, and make the patient as
comfortable as possible. The use of aspirin to treat viral diseases in children
and young adults should be avoided because of the risk of Reye Syndrome, a rare
but life-threatening condition. Bed rest and a light diet seem to be of
benefit. Vaccination for measles is the most effective method found to prevent
outbreaks of measles. Vaccine failure occurs in just ten percent of cases. The
vaccine approved in 1963 is no longer in use. Anyone who received one of these
vaccines between 1962 and 1969 should be reimmunized with the current vaccine. This new live vaccine is strong enough to produce
immunity to measles, but not so strong as to produce severe reactions. The age
for vaccination has also changed. Currently, measles vaccination is now
recommended at fifteen months - after antibodies passed on by the mother have
disappeared. Some authorities advocate lowering the age to twelve or even six
months, with revaccination at fifteen months, when measles is usually epidemic.
Children should be vaccinated before exposure to measles, or within seventy-two
hours of exposure, if the protection is to be effective. The American Academy
of Pediatrics recommends that an initial immunization of measles, mumps, and
rubella (MMR) be given at fifteen months of age and a second (MMR) immunization
be given (MMR) at the beginning of middle school or junior high school. The new
recommendation for measles immunization consists of two doses of vaccine - one
at 15 months of age and the second one at four to six years of age. Students
entering college and medical personnel with direct patient contact should also
have a second vaccination. Pregnant women exposed to measles should have their
immunity tested to avoid possible risk to their unborn babies. Rubella, more
than any other type of measles, can pose a great risk to fetuses.
Investigational Therapies: The number of
anti-viral agents which may be useful in treating measles is still limited.
Immunoglobulins and interferons, as well as a variety
of immune stimulators or immune modulators, are possible therapies that are
still undergoing further investigational evaluation at this time.
Measles is a highly contagious disease
occurring primarily in children. This disease is characterized by fever, cough,
acute nasal mucous membrane discharge (coryza),
inflammation of the lining of the eyelids (conjunctivitis), a spreading rash,
and eruption of small, irregular, bright red spots (Koplik's spots) on the inner cheeks in the mouth with a minute bluish or white speck in
the center of each. Because measles can be contracted from someone whose
symptoms have not yet appeared, it is often difficult to avoid exposure.
Measles ceases to be contagious four days after appearance of the rash.
Although concerted efforts have been made to eliminate measles in the United
States, increasing numbers of cases have been reported recently in some areas.
This may be due in part to a drastic rise in the cost of vaccine, shortage of
supplies due to liability insurance problems, or fear by the public of possible
side effects of vaccines. This is in spite of strict observance of immunization
/ attendance requirements by school officials. However, parents may
underestimate the need for this immunization. Usually measles and the danger of
its complications can be avoided by timely immunization. Protection against
measles should be accomplished by immunization with the live-attenuated measles
vaccine. It is available as a monovalent vaccine (measles only) or in
combination with the mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR). The Pediatric Red Book
currently recommends that the vaccine be given at 15 months of age. Children
vaccinated before 12 months of age should be vaccinated again. Other
indications are those persons who previously received killed-virus measles
vaccine, received an unknown form of measles vaccine between 1963 and 1967, or
are unvaccinated with no history of natural measles. The vaccine is
contraindicated in pregnancy. Approximately 50% of prior recipients of
killed-virus measles vaccine will have reactions after re-vaccination with the
live-attenuated vaccine. The reactions usually consists of mild local swelling and erythema. Other reported reactions include low-grade
fever, headache, and malaise.