Randy Jacobs, M.D. Patient Education
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Lichen Sclerosus
is Lichen Sclerosus?
Lichen Sclerosus is a relatively
uncommon inflammatory, dry, pruritic (itchy) disease of the skin and mucous
membranes. Lichen Sclerosus is characterized by distinctive papules which may
be as small as a pinhead or larger. Lichen sclerosus is an uncommon skin
disorder of unknown cause. Lichen sclerosus (LS) is thought to be more common
in women than men. It can start at any age, although it is most often seen in
women over 50. It may be unnoticed by the affected person but it can be itchy,
sometimes severely so. When it occurs on the body, LS usually results in white
spots on the shoulders. They have a curious tissue paper-like wrinkled surface
with a waxy thickened feel.
Lichen Sclerosus in Women
It is most common for LS to occur on
genital skin. In women this results in a white thickened vulva. Sometimes the
vulva becomes smaller and the vagina tightens. When the anal skin is involved
there may be discomfort passing bowel motions. The skin may split, especially
if there is a tendency to constipation. It can be unbearably itchy. Sometimes
blood blisters and sores appear, after scratching, or on their own. Thrush
(candida) and other infections are often present, and intercourse can be very
Sclerosus in Men
In men, the usual site for LS is the
tip of the penis, which becomes firm and white. The urethra may narrow such
that it is difficult to pass urine, resulting in a thin stream. Sometimes the
passage has to be widened with a special operation, called meatal dilation. The
foreskin may be come difficult to retract (phimosis) and a circumcision may be
What Causes Lichen
The cause is often unclear. The
exclusion of causative drugs and chemicals is essential before making the diagnosis
of LS. Some patients complain of emotional stress. The differential diagnosis
is long and includes psoriasis, discoid lupus erythematosus, and lichen planus.
When in doubt, a biopsy may help. The histopathology (microscopic features) of
LS is diagnostic in most cases.
How is Lichen
Sclerosus treated?
Local symptomatic treatment may be
achieved with corticosteroid creams, ointments, or sprays, along with colloidal
baths. Antihistamines may give relief for itch. It is important to follow the
instructions outlined in Dr. Jacobs’ educational handout on dry and sensitive
skin. When there is widespread involvement with limited lesions, topical
steroids may produce prompt involution of the lesions. Testosterone cream can help in most cases of
lichen sclerosus.
What can you
LS is a chronic skin condition.
There may be no good treatment to shorten the course of the disease. LS usually lasts for years before resolving spontaneously, but it
may distort the shape of the genitals permanently. Treatment varies. Strong
topical steroid creams are helpful, applied very accurately to the affected
areas for a few weeks, with milder creams afterwards. Infection present may
need treating. LS may be associated with
increased risk of vulval cancer. It is recommended that a specialist interested
in conditions affecting the vulva follow women up long term. This is especially
true of severe forms of LS. After the lesions have disappeared, deep
pigmentation may persist for many months. Less often, depigmented atrophic
(thin) spots may remain. There are usually no other systemic complications except the slight danger of development of squamous cell
carcinoma in vulvar lesions. For this reason, female LS patients should visit
their gynecologist or dermatologist regularly and male patients should see the
dermatologist on a regular basis.