Some people have naturally clear skin. Others have to work at it. With time, patience, and the right doctors to guide you, this blessing can be yours.

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Dr. Jacobs can provide several options for acne therapy based on your individual needs. The following therapies may be used: Antibiotics, topical therapy, Tazorac, Retin-A, Differin, Accutane, acne surgery, extractions, acne peels, and our Smooth Beam Laser. Female patients may benefit from hormonal evaluation and appropriate hormonal adjustments.

Smoothbeam is a gentle, non-invasive laser that improves acne and acne scarring by targeting overactive oil glands and deeply seated acne scars situated below the skin's surface.


The Smoothbeam Laser is FDA approved to reduce acne lesions, acne scars, and skin wrinkles.


Thus, the Smooth beam Laser is an excellent choice for people with active acne and / or acne scars.


The Smoothbeam Laser emits a long 1450nm wavelength of light to precisely penetrate to and heat the dermal layer of the skin. This Smoothbeam Laser heat interrupts oil production in the sebaceous glands and decreases acne inflammation.

Smoothbeam Laser dermal heating also stimulates new collagen and elastin; thus, acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles are smoothed. Hence the name "Smoothbeam Laser."

Smoothbeam Laser treatments take about 20 minutes to complete, and are usually performed once per month. Helpful results are usually seen within 3-6 treatments for active acne, and 8-10 treatment for scars and wrinkles.

Dr. Jacobs can provide several options for acne therapy based on your individual needs. The following therapies may be used: Antibiotics, topical therapy, Tazorac, Retin-A, Differin, Accutane, acne surgery, extractions, acne peels, and our Smooth Beam Laser. Female patients may benefit from hormonal evaluation and appropriate hormonal adjustments.

How Does it Work?

Our Smoothbeam laser emits a special wave-length of light that is strongly absorbed by water in your skin. As the laser invisibly penetrates the skin, heat is generated in and around the sebaceous oil glands in the upper layers of your skin.

The heating of the oil glands creates a mild thermal effect that changes the activity and function of the oil glands. Shortly after laser treatment, the number of acne lesions will lessen. Smoothbeam also smooths the appearance of sunken acne scars by stimulating new collagen growth below, thus pushing the scars outward.

What Will it Be Like?

You and Dr. Jacobs (or his physician assistant) will wear protective eyewear during the treatment. With a small handpiece, Dr. Jacobs will deliver laser pulses to the skin. You will feel a laser probe touching your skin and a cooling sensation with each pulse.

Is It Painful?

30 minutes prior to your laser treatment, Dr. Jacobs would like you to apply a topical anesthetic.

Patients may complain of mild pain, which includes slight rubberband-like snapping or stinging sensations. The topical anaesthetic will make your laser therapy much more pleasant and easy to tolerate.

How Long Are The Treatments?

The length of time depends on the site treated. One session may last from 5 to 30 minutes.


How Many Treatments Do I Need?

In most cases, three to four treatments may be required for best results. The treatments are usually performed two to five weeks apart.

Is It Covered By My Insurance?

Acne laser therapy is usually not covered by insurances. You may need to contact your insurance carrier to discuss whether or not laser therapy is covered.

How Long To See Less Acne Scars?

Be patient. Smoothbeam smooths acne scars, but because the skin undergoes remodeling, it may take up to nine months before you see results.

What Do I Do After My Treatment?

For best results, after Smoothbeam acne laser treatments, you should avoid rigorous scrubbing of the affected areas. Cleanse the treated areas gently. Be sure to avoid sun exposure, and use a gel based sunscreen after your acne laser treatment.

Are Lasers Safe For My Skin?

Lasers, like the Smoothbeam laser, have been used in medicine for the past 20 years. They are both safe and effective, enabling physicians to target stubborn areas of the skin. The Smoothbeam is such a safe laser that it is also able to treat wrinkles around the eyes.

Is There Any Other Help For Acne?

Yes, Dr. Jacobs will individualize your acne therapy and can prescribe the entire ABC's of acne therapy. (See the ABC diagram) The Smoothbeam laser is just one helpful tool out of many that Dr. Jacobs can use. For severe acne, Dr. Jacobs may suggest eight weeks of Smoothbeam laser followed by Accutane. For women with adult female acne, Dr. Jacobs may check hormones and can treat the underlying hormonal problem. The Smoothbeam laser can also decrease the need for stronger medicines. The Smoothbeam laser works very well for teenage acne, adult female acne, and all other acne type conditons, including disfiguring acne.

Who Gets Acne?

Acne is very common. Almost everyone has at least a little acne at one point in life. Though acne is supposed to go away after teenhood, it can persist for many years into adulthood. A few whiteheads or blackheads, or an occasional small red pimple can usually be tolerated; However, persistent or severe acne is much more troubling. If someone has acne enough to be bothersome, that person should not wait to "grow out of it." It is best to do something medically therapeutic about acne before permanent disfiguring, sunken, or pitted acne scars develop.

What Causes Acne?

ABC's of Acne Therapy, by Randy Jacobs, M.D.
A- Assasinate Bacteria
B- Block Oil Production
C-Clear the Plug

Acne starts within the oil glands that open into hair follicles. The oil glands are usually quiet from birth until early puberty. Hormones cause them to burst into activity, pouring sebum oil up through the follicles and onto the skin's surface. "Bad oils" cause the face and nose to be shiny with greasy blackheads.

This acne explosion is more or les normal during adolescent years and most teenagers will have oily facial skin. As long as the extra oil can freely flow out on to the surface of the skin, the acne prone person will have no major acne complications or scarring.

Are You Acne-Prone?

Unfortunately, acne-prone people can produce a sticky substance that is deposited between skin cells. This gluey substance forms a "sticky plug." An acne lesion develops when sebum oils are blocked by this plug and cannot flow freely out. Infection and inflammation develops. Papules, pustules, and cysts appear. The disfiguring scars remind us of the traumatic complexion battles that once took place during teenage years.